Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Solving the mental thing is required before stopping smoking

(summarizing the 10 gazillion things going thru my brain at the moment)

I'm know smoking pimps some brain reciever.. which is propbably due to my body's reaction to deal. Think of it as therapy. It is therapy that works, which is the best therapy.

Quitting smoking, however, would require me to substitute smoking therapy with something else. One solution is to "patch" it (heh) with more medication that fucks with more chemicals. I don't think that is a viable long-term solution.

If you know anything about Biochemistry (I don't but I slept at a Holiday inn Express last night).. well I do a little from college and computer games, Internet, etc. ANYWAY

Every PH. D on Earth has absolutely no fucking clue how all the genes and chemicals in the brain work in its totality. This is well documented. So, knowing that,

- Throwing more chemicals at a mental problem is like a balancing a seesaw by picking up and placing random weights blindfolded while on a merry-go-round in a hurricane. You are just never going to get it right. Take off the blindfold, stop the merry-go-round, pick up the see-saw and the bucket of weights and get your ass inside a bomb shelter.

- Complicating that is money. People like Money. There is a demand for the wonder pill... pop a pill and all your problems go away. The fact is 30% of placebos actually work, which means 30% of a drug company's profits come from people who don't even need the damn thing.

Anyway enough of the rant back to research. To sum it up,

Throwing more chemicals to fuck with chemicals AND
not knowing scientifically what will occur

is NOT science. It is gambling. Hell, it isnt even gambling.. we know more about roulette than we do brain biochemistry.

Short term fix (patch)? Sure. But we should look at mental illness as a 1st order effect to a problem. Adding a 2nd order effect (pills) just creates multiple 3rd order effects (and sometimes reduces a 1st order effect hopefully). But now you have 3rd order effects creating problems, etc etc.


sbwrites said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. Sorry to hear that you're in the army and can't be treated. But, as someone who has been "treated," and got sicker and sicker with the medication until I thought I was going to die, I think that the current forms of treatment are a travesty.

Having said that, I can't imagine what it's like to be unable to get help when you need it. You're very brave!

ArmyBP said...

Thanks B! Actually I guess I should change "untreatable"... I'm building a self-psychotheraby plan and seeing how that works.

Your blog has definately helped me!

CarBasics said...

Can you email me at webmaster at bipolarquoter.com,

I want to email you back.

EGJUEL said...

I just came across these posts --- I am not sure if you are still around, or if you are still in the Army, but I am in your boat RIGHT NOW and on the verge of going out on the economy for treatment for BP. 17 years AD, at the point of wanting to do a resignation - I hide under the umbrella of "depression", Taking Wellbutrin now for the lows but it's getting harder and harder with the "highs" ... stress getting to me and the impulsiveness; racing thoughts in my head, Always talking; smoking calms me, but my husband doesn't understand and basically forbids it - but the moments of severe "my head will explode" are treatable with a cigarette.

Dual military with 4 kids, Only 3 years to retire. Do you know if the demographics have changed, and should I risk going to see a military physician OR should I try to go on my own of post? Don't want to make it this far for nothing. IS lithium traceable in urinalysis?

Please help if you are still reading these


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